Planned Giving

Legacy Circle

Planned Giving through the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties' Legacy Circle is a wonderful way for generous donors to leave a lasting legacy in our community.
The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties' Legacy Circle recognizes donors who choose to extend their caring beyond an annual gift to the campaign.
Legacy Circle donors make a minimum commitment through outright gifts or a commitment in their estate plans while others choose to combine these two options to make a lasting impact. Outright gifts can be made in one lump sum or spread over a specified period of time. Estate plans can be made using whatever vehicle is most appropriate for the donor.
A Legacy Circle account will be established in your name and only the interest generated by your account will be used to help support future campaigns. Once your account reaches your desired minimum level, you and your family will be recognized in perpetuity at the giving category you selected even though the actual earnings may be less.
For more information, please contact John Orbin, Vice President of Resource Development at 570.343.1267 x234 or email him.